Railway Family Center is not another place to go play
basketball on a Thursday night. This Center set out to meet a need in the
Coleman community and now provides before and after school care, youth and
adult athletic programs, preschool, a family assistance pantry, fitness classes
and a fitness center. Executive Director, Katie VanDuinen, states “We provide
services in a rural community which often means that our families have a higher
number of risk factors such as lack of transportation, challenges accessing
services, a higher poverty level, parents with lower levels of education, etc.”
In order assist community members in these areas the Railway Family Center has
built trust in the surrounding area and proved to be a source for educational
and encouraging mental and physical enrichment. One specific example is the
partnership that the Railway Family Center has with The Diaper Alliance. This
partnership allows the Railway Family Center to diaper individuals of all age
ranges, within a certain income level, without the clients having to travel all
the way to Midland.
“When my husband got laid off, right after I gave birth to
our second child, we had a hard time making ends meet. I called 211 to ask for
help with diapering my new baby. I was referred to the Railway Family Center to
ask for help. This was the first time that we have ever needed any kind of
assistance. I went to Railway to ask about diapers and they were able to
provide me with the help we needed. Being able to get support with diapers is a
great thing to offer everyone. We are truly grateful that The Diaper Alliance
exists, and is offered in our area.” –Railway Family Center client