Thursday, May 30, 2013

NEW Website Launch

It is finally done. It has been launched. Please check it out!

The Diaper Alliance has finally released a NEW and IMPROVED website. We know that you want to be kept up to date on how your donation dollars are being put to use, current happenings with our organization and live stories from clients and partner agencies. The new website features client/agency stories on the homepage and also gives viewers the opportunity to submit their own Diaper Alliance stories/testimonies. Posts from The Diaper Alliance blog are also linked on the homepage so viewers can stay connected all in one location. 

What do your monetary donations help The Diaper Alliance accomplish? This is one of the new concepts that The Alliance is working on developing. We want to show you exactly what your donations are part of each month. To launch this concept, we have included a page specifically featuring "Your Dollars at Work". Be on the lookout for more details coming soon.

The fresh clean look of the website will make your viewing experience easy to read and understand. We are excited to have the chance to connect with you, our donors, clients, volunteers and Partner Agencies through this new site. We value our partnership with you and we encourage you to support our efforts so that we can continue to improve the quality of life for families in our Midland community and eventually our expanded area.


Friday, May 17, 2013

DHS Distribution Day

The Diaper Alliance is hosing its first ever DHS distribution day out of our own building. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the individuals and families that we help provide diapers for. Everyone's story is so different and unique and because of all of our loving supporters, we are able to meet each of those individual needs.

The DHS distribution will take place at The Diaper Alliance every third Friday of the month (next pickup is June 21st) from 10am -12pm. These DHS clients usually receive diapers twice each month, however this distribution is only taking place once each month in efforts to cut down on gas and time. The DHS clients are required to bring their ID and Bridge Card/MI Health Card and are required to fill out The Diaper Alliance client form. (Anyone who picks up diapers for someone else must bring a note) All clients are also given testimonial forms, so that they can share their stories and experiences they have had with The Diaper Alliance. "When I get low on diapers, I know have support in Midland County." -DHS Client

Everyone is enjoying the first distribution day, including DJ and all of his new friends he is making!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pull Up for Pull-Ups Week

Beep Beep!! Watch out Midland, The Diaper Alliance is starting our Pull Up for Pull-Ups campaign and we expect a lot of traffic. DJ the stork has already been cruzing down and around our drop off location which will be right in front of The Alliance, 503 South Saginaw Rd. There will be a large bin and a Diaper Drive sign, this is where you can drop off your generous donations from May 13th-17th.

All donations are accepted, but Pull-Ups are requested, specifically sizes 3t-4t and 4t-5t. Our shelves are bare and we need your help to ensure that the children of Midland County are "covered". For one whole week we hope to rally our neighbors around this cause. We have seen what you are capable of and we've set no boundaries.

Pull Up to The Diaper Alliance Monday May, 13th through Friday May 17th. Help us meet the need and you never know...DJ might be here to grab a photo with you as well!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Welcome DJ!

The Diaper Alliance wants to give a warm welcome to DJ the Stork! Some of you may be wondering where DJ's name came from (no he does not play music on the weekends). DJ stands for Diaper Junkie. A junkie is an enthusiastic follower or fan who is completely devoted to a cause. A perfect name for our new mascotThis furry fella has made The Diaper Alliance his new home and is excited to share his journey with all of our followers. DJ has been making new friends with other storks in the office, is helping repackage diapers and is looking forward to flying to all diaper drop off and pickup locations in the near future.

Any time you see DJ out in the community be sure to get your picture with him, so that you can be featured on The Diaper Alliance Blog with the newest bird in town!