Friday, May 17, 2013

DHS Distribution Day

The Diaper Alliance is hosing its first ever DHS distribution day out of our own building. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the individuals and families that we help provide diapers for. Everyone's story is so different and unique and because of all of our loving supporters, we are able to meet each of those individual needs.

The DHS distribution will take place at The Diaper Alliance every third Friday of the month (next pickup is June 21st) from 10am -12pm. These DHS clients usually receive diapers twice each month, however this distribution is only taking place once each month in efforts to cut down on gas and time. The DHS clients are required to bring their ID and Bridge Card/MI Health Card and are required to fill out The Diaper Alliance client form. (Anyone who picks up diapers for someone else must bring a note) All clients are also given testimonial forms, so that they can share their stories and experiences they have had with The Diaper Alliance. "When I get low on diapers, I know have support in Midland County." -DHS Client

Everyone is enjoying the first distribution day, including DJ and all of his new friends he is making!